League of Fighters – Sexes fight


The League of Fighters is a place where all strong fighters are invited to prove who is the strongest, they will fight until someone passes out or passes out to enter the league, all fighters must accept the terms, the committee does not bear liability for death or fatal injury. , this is all fighter at your own risk. The prize for the winner is money.

Finally there is the day that the strongest women and men will be battling against each other, to find out which gender really is the strongest. Both teams are very confident that they will be the much stronger team and their opponents didn’t have any chance.

Rules: The match starts with one female and one male in the ring, with their teampartners waiting in the corners to be tagged in. You always can tag your partner in. Match can only be finished if both fighters from one team are KO’ed.

Who will win, the male or female side, will see in the video.

You will receive 17:57 min

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